Who we aRe

The Indian Holiness Mission believes in liberty of conscience and the guidance of the Holy Spirit regarding all matters that are not sinful, and that the preaching of the full Gospel is essential to Bible Holiness and the evangelization of the world as taught by the Apostles and the primitive church.

What we believe

WE BELIEVE that there is but one living and true God that he is everlasting, omnipotent, and triune being; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the maker and preserver of all things visible and invisible. 

We believe that the Son who is the word and is of one substance with the Father chose to take man's nature. Born without sin and conceived of the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary, so that two whole and perfect natures were joined together in one person. That is to say, the Godhead and manhood were joined together in one person, never to be divided. He was crucified, dead, and buried. On the third day, He arose from the dead, ascended to the Father. He, as a gift from the Father, chose to do this to reconcile His Father to us and to be a sacrifice for our sin, both for the original guilt and the actual sins of man. 

We believe that the Holy Ghost reproves the world of sin, leads to righteousness and that He seals, empowers, comforts, and guides the believer.

We believe that the Holy Bible, the Old and the New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God and that it is the final authority for faith and practice.

We believe that the work of Calvary is made effective to the salvation (forgiveness of committed sin) of those who reach the age of responsibility only when they repent and believe. It is also effective for the sanctification (heart cleansing and empowerment) of the believer. Sanctification sets apart the believer and endows him with power for the successful accomplishment of all to which he is called. These works of grace are wrought in the heart and will effect a transformation of life and practice.

We believe that the general ordinances, namely believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper, were ordained of Christ for the strengthening and confirming of our faith in Him. They should be observed in church life and practice.

We believe that the Scripture teaches that Christians should not be conformed to this world; that they should demonstrate the spirit of Christian love; that through their testimony and conduct, they should be a constant and effective witness for their Lord.

We believe that the second coming of Christ is imminent and will be pre-millennial and personal. There will be a resurrection of the just and unjust. Life eternal is the gift of the righteous, but everlasting punishment is only for the unjust.

We believe that the supreme duty and mission of the Church during this life is world-wide evangelization in obedience to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ our Lord.